Share Your World: 2016 Week 48

I’m participating in Cee’s Share Your World this week. She posts questions each Monday and invites people to answer the questions and then leave a link on her blog.

Check out the Share Your World post this week at Cee’s Photography blog.

Do you prefer eating foods with nuts or no nuts?  

I love nuts so I always choose them, but if it’s something for my kids, too, I leave the nuts out since they don’t like them (unless I want to make sure they don’t eat whatever it is!).

If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

I hope I would be in a science fiction or fantasy movie. That’s my favorite to watch and one of my favorites to read.

 Who talks real sense to you?

My husband. Even when I don’t want to hear it he tells me the truth. And he’s very practical and pragmatic!

Do you have a favorite board game?

I love cribbage when I can find people to play it. I like to play card games even more though–pinochle, spades and a game my kids like–Exploding Kittens! (Luckily, Exploding Kittens doesn’t include real kittens!)

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Grateful for family and a wonderful Thanksgiving last week. I’m looking forward to starting to decorate for Christmas. I love Christmas!

What about you? What are you grateful for from last week? What are you looking forward to?

Share Your World — 2016 Week 42

I’m participating in Cee’s Share Your World this week. She posts questions each Monday and invites people to answer the questions and then leave a link on her blog.

If you wanted to de-clutter where you live, what room / space would you start with?  (And why, if you’re feel like admitting to it.)

We recently (early summer!) moved here and we had wonderful friends and relatives help us unload and unpack. That truly was wonderful, but I have many rooms still to de-clutter and organize.

The one room I really need to work on is my kitchen. It’s smaller than the kitchen in my old house so I need to de-clutter and organize. I have lots of gadgets I need to take a look at and decide if I really plan to use them.

If you want to remember something important, how do you do it (sticky note on the fridge, string around your finger, etc.), and does it work?

I have a calendar on my refrigerator and a to-do list on my computer which I regularly update. Sometimes I use my cell phone, too.

If you could create a one room retreat just for yourself, what would be the dsc_0009most important sense to emphasize:  sight (bright natural light, dim light, etc.), hearing (silence, music, fountain, etc.), smell (candles, incense, etc), touch (wood, stone, soft fabrics, etc.), or taste (herbal tea, fresh fruit, etc.)?

I love sunshine and windows so sight is the most important sense for me.

I’ve started to create a retreat for myself–adsc_0013 reading room. That’s one room I’ve pretty much finished organizing. (However, I don’t know about the de-clutter part!) I love the room because of the window–a large arched window looking out the front of our house. We’ve put a bird feeder out in front so I can watch the birds while I read. And my cats love the cat tower, sunshine and the birds!

If you could interview one of your great-great-great grandparents, who would it be (if you know their name) and what would you ask?

I don’t know much about my great-great-great grandparents, but I do know a little about one set of the great-great grandparents. He was Silas McCullough and was in the War of 1812 along Lake Erie. His wife was Hester Pickering and she was a Quaker before she married him. I love their names!

They lived in Ohio. I wish I had a photo of them, but don’t think there is one in the family. Hester was disowned by the Quakers when she married Silas. I would ask her why she married Silas and how hard was it for her to leave her family and the rest of the Quakers. And did she ever regret her decision.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Our oldest daughter drove from Illinois for a long weekend visit. So wonderful to see her. She came to help celebrate our younger daughter’s birthday. So I’m grateful they’re good friends and for the wonderful weekend we had with both of them. Lots of laughs, great food and good times.

What about you? What are you grateful for from last week? Check out the Share Your World post this week at Cee’s Photography blog.




Share Your World: 2016 Week 41

I’m participating in Cee’s Share Your World this week. She posts questions each Monday and invites people to answer the questions and then leave a link on her blog.

I recently started this blog and have wanted to find some blog activities to participate in. I am especially happy to find Cee’s blog (Cee’s Photography) because of all the photography information. I’m hoping to participate in some of the photography challenges as well as reading her photography tips and lessons.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Not in love at first sight, but I do believe in infatuation at first sight and in liking at first sight. When I first met my future husband I was a new lieutenant on an Air Force base which had very few other women (except a few wives). The first week I was there lots of young, single guys came into my office and when one invited me to the officers’ club after work I accepted.

When I showed up at the club I was the only woman in the room and soon surrounded by men. (I think the only credential I needed was that I was a single woman!) Anyway, the fellow who invited me went down in my estimation when he told me his favorite activity was bowling. However, another guy–who was tall, dark and handsome(!)–said he liked to go to Kansas City (the nearest city to the base) on weekends and go to a good restaurant, see a play, go to the art museum or zoo. I was immediately captivated. Over the next few months we saw each other around and finally had a date. Two years later we got married.

Your first car?

My first car was one I bought from my parents for $1,000. An orange 1970 or so Datsun–which I drove for about 10 years after they gave it to me in the mid seventies.

Who taught you to ride a bike? How did it go?

I learned from my best friends who were sisters. They had a little bike they had learned on and let try it out. I don’t remember if it had training wheels, but I do remember I didn’t understand the concept of brakes and I ran into a telephone pole!

Ugly and rich or beautiful and poor?

I don’t think I will choose either! I don’t want to be either rich or poor as far money goes. And I don’t want to be really ugly or really beautiful as far as external looks go. I would choose the middle road–happy with who I am!

What was the first dish you could cook?

My mom gave me a Betty Crocker Cookbook for Boys and Girls. The first thing I remember cooking was Butterscotch Brownies. Those were one of my signature dishes from then on!

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

My husband and I got home from a road trip to Washington and Oregon last week. We had to cut the trip short because we hit a deer with our car, but I am so grateful that neither of us were injured and that so many wonderful people stopped to offer help.

I’m looking forward to more fall weather with leaves changing color. I love cool, crisp mornings, bright blue skies and colored leaves.