about me and my blog

My blog name–I had a hard time naming my blog. The short story–Des Moines means “River of the Monks.” I like to know meanings of words so . . . my blog was born. (My first post goes into more detail!)

My name is Jan. My husband and I recently moved from Maryland to Des Moines, Iowa after he jumped at the chance to retire from federal civil service.

I want to talk about our new lives as retirees in Des Moines–our discoveries here in Des Moines, in other parts of Iowa and around the U.S. (and even Canada!) We want to take trips, take photos, find interesting spots, read about the history and enjoy a little slower pace than we had in the Washington, DC area.

I want to connect with other retirees as we try to figure out retirement! Also with people who enjoy travel, photography, cooking, gardening, reading and anything else I think about! Maybe I’ll even talk about the metaphor of a river!

I love comments!